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The Wind's Story

The Wind’s Story

Look at the sky
There are so many stars hanging on there
Hoping the stars would shining
And could shine forever for me
I feel the wind dancing around on me
The wind whispered on my ears
And he’s show me his secret
          Let his voice lead me walk
Walking far away through the time and places
The wind told me that this world has been empty
Without any love, without any hope, without any bless
Now, I know why the people disappeared
And I know why….
I am alone
Without anyone around me
Just the wind that always sing his song to me
The wind told his story
The first time he was here
He was alone, nobody there for him
Until he wait and wait
          Waiting along the years without any sign of something coming to him
          Until he found him self standing alone in the darkness
          Without any light would shining for him
          He scared and started to hate the god
          Until he could see something shining bright in the distance
It is the star
He gave the wind his brightest smile
Makes him wakes again with his strength
He is not alone anymore
Until the others come to accompany him
Moon, Sky, and Sun
They smile to Wind and cheer him up
“You are not alone” said the Moon
“God created us to be your friends” said the Sky
“God still love you” said the Sun
The wind began to smile and rise
          The wind hold my hand and said
          “You are not alone dear, you still have the god”
          He began to disappear with his joyful song
          Left me behind with smile engraved on my lips


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