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Rendang - The Delicious Food from Indonesia

Hello everybody, I am a new comers in here. And now I would like to introduce myself to you my name is Huwaida Najla Alaudina. I am 16 years old now, and I am a senior high school student grade 11. I live in Indonesia !!!. The beautiful Country with a thousands of island and a thousands of culture.
Okay, here I come with a new article about Rendang. Do you know what is Rendang ?. Okay, Rendang is the kind of Indonesian traditional food. And according to the source that I have ever read.  Rendang (Minang language : Rendang) is one of Minangkabau traditional disheh that use meat and coconut milk as a main ingredient containing spicesare rich. 
And you know, that Rendang also at the 11 rank of the most delicious food in the world. That is according to CNN world. Wow amazing !!!, I am proud to be the Indonesian =D. Okay, I think I talked to much here. Then, here we go to the history of Rendang.
Rendang origin traced from Sumatera, particularly the Minangkabau. For the Minang, Rendang has been there since a long time ago and become a traditional cuisine served in a variety of custom events and everyday dishes. As a cooking tradition, Rendang alleged to have been born since the first custom event held Minang. Then it evolved to the art of cooking the other Malay culture serantau, ranging from Mandailing, Riau, Jambi to the other side of Negeri Sembilan state which occupied many migrants from Minangkabau. That’s why Rendang is widely known both in Sumatera and Malay Peninsula.
Andalas University Historian Prof. Gusti Asnan suspect, Rendang dish that has become widespread since people began to wander Minang and sailed to Malacca to trade at the beginning of the 16th century. “because the trip accros the river and take a long time, Rendang may be the right choice when it as stock”. This is because the dry Rendang is very durable, can be retained for up to many long, so just be when wandering stock or in transit trade.

Anyway, how is it ? Delicious isn't it ? If you wanna try this food, you can come to Indonesia to eat it. The you can feel how delicious and spicy this food. Btw, Thanks for visiting my blog minna-san ! ^.^ See you again in another chance. Anyway, can you just visit my another blog on it was my new blog altough there only was one post on there, but please visit it and see you there !!!

Best Regards,

Kunoichi 13 ^.^


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