I don't know why many people in the world afraid with this number. Do you know why ?. Because they believe that this number is creepy things and can bring "bad luck" to them. Many people also believe that this number is an "Evil" number. Do you know my friend ?. This belief has been going on since long ago. But for me, this number bring some luck not bad luck. Because, that number is my absent number in the class. My friend always mock me and said, "Ah...lucky you, you got a bad number." But yes, I am so lucky with that 13 number. Do you know why ?. With that number I could bring the successful thing in my life. Although, sometimes that number also made me stuck. But, more of it, this number bring lucky in my life. I still don't know who is the person that made a belief like that. You know, because of that number 13 seemed to be alienated. Could you imagine if your life like number 13 ?. Maybe, you will be alone in this world. And ...
"Your life is like a plain paper. But, when you started to fill it with the art of pencil then your true journey of life will begin. In order to fulfill your dream, spread your plain paper and write down what you gonna do." =D